Patient Corner

In this section you will find personal accounts of people affected by APBD. The APBDRF as a patient support group does not endorse any health practitioners, therapies, medicines, etc.

While researchers chip away at finding the cause and cure for APBD, patients, partners, and care givers seek work-arounds for disease symptoms. “Tribe” members are constantly on the lookout for tips and ideas to help blunt their challenges.

Thanks to the work of David Epstein, our organization has been included in the Resource Central Section of Neurology Now magazine. You can read it online here, and order a FREE subscription to the magazine as well.

A patient recently found a normal-looking pair of athletic pants(summer and winter weights) that have made it easier to use a catheter while seated in a wheelchair.  They zip on both sides, creating a fold-down flap


Accessible accommodations, apartments and hotels for disabled worldwide – Handiscover

Better Branches: Alma Hecht’s personal blog about living with APBD

The Story of an APBD Patient by Phillip Adiv

Chat members discuss UTIs, Frequency, and Urgency

Chat members discuss Daytime & Nighttime Ideas for Neurogenic Bladder

Chat members discuss Preparing to Travel by Air

Chat members discuss Managing Constipation and Diarrhea

APBD and Aqua Therapy a film by William Macdonald, about his late wife Susan Ritman Macdonald – This is beautiful, loving, helpful story and about her condition and how aqua therapy helped